Creating Custom Components - Flowbite React

Learn how to create your own themeable components using the Flowbite React theming system

The Flowbite React theming system can be used to create your own themeable components. The system provides powerful utilities from resolve-theme.ts that handle theme resolution, merging, and inheritance.

Using the CLI#

The easiest way to create a new custom component is to use the Flowbite React CLI:

npx flowbite-react@latest create my-component

This will generate a new component with the proper structure and theming setup. The CLI uses the configuration from .flowbite-react/config.json to determine:

  1. Where to create the component (path)
  2. Whether to include the "use client" directive (rsc)
  3. Whether to use TypeScript or JavaScript (tsx)

You can customize these options in your config file .flowbite-react/config.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "components": [],
  "path": "src/components",
  "prefix": "",
  "rsc": true,
  "tsx": true

Component Blueprint#

Here's a minimal blueprint for creating Flowbite React components:

"use client";

import { createTheme } from "flowbite-react/helpers/create-theme";
import { get } from "flowbite-react/helpers/get";
import { resolveProps } from "flowbite-react/helpers/resolve-props";
import { useResolveTheme } from "flowbite-react/helpers/resolve-theme";
import { twMerge } from "flowbite-react/helpers/tailwind-merge";
import { useThemeProvider } from "flowbite-react/theme/provider";
import type { ThemingProps } from "flowbite-react/types";
import { forwardRef, type ComponentProps } from "react";

// 1. Extend the FlowbiteTheme and FlowbiteProps interfaces
declare module "flowbite-react/types" {
  interface FlowbiteTheme {
    myComponent: MyComponentTheme;

  interface FlowbiteProps {
    myComponent: Partial<WithoutThemingProps<MyComponentProps>>;

// 2. Theme structure
export interface MyComponentTheme {
  base: string;
  color: MyComponentColors;

export interface MyComponentColors {
  info: string;
  success: string;
  error: string;

// 3. Default theme
export const myComponentTheme = createTheme<MyComponentTheme>({
  base: "flex items-center font-medium",
  color: {
    info: "text-blue-600",
    success: "text-green-600",
    error: "text-red-600",

// 4. Props
export interface MyComponentProps extends ComponentProps<"div">, ThemingProps<MyComponentTheme> {
  color?: keyof MyComponentColors;

// 5. Component
export const MyComponent = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, MyComponentProps>((props, ref) => {
  // Get theme from provider
  const provider = useThemeProvider();

  // Resolve theme with proper inheritance
  const theme = useResolveTheme(
    [myComponentTheme, provider.theme?.myComponent, props.theme],
    [get(provider.clearTheme, "myComponent"), props.clearTheme],
    [get(provider.applyTheme, "myComponent"), props.applyTheme],

  // Resolve props with provider
  const { children, color = "info", className, ...restProps } = resolveProps(props, provider.props?.myComponent);

  return (
    <div ref={ref} className={twMerge(theme.base, theme.color[color], className)} {...restProps}>

MyComponent.displayName = "MyComponent";

Using the Component#

import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from "flowbite-react";
import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";

// Custom theme
const theme = createTheme({
  myComponent: {
    base: "flex items-center gap-2 rounded-lg p-2",
    color: {
      info: "bg-blue-100 text-blue-800",
      success: "bg-green-100 text-green-800",
      error: "bg-red-100 text-red-800",

function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      {/* Basic usage */}
      <MyComponent>Default Component</MyComponent>

      {/* With color */}
      <MyComponent color="success">Success Component</MyComponent>

      {/* With theme override */}
          base: "flex items-center gap-4 rounded-full p-3",
          color: {
            info: "bg-purple-100 text-purple-800",
        Custom Theme

      {/* With theme clearing */}
      <MyComponent clearTheme={{ color: true }}>Default Color Theme</MyComponent>

      {/* With theme application control */}
          base: "shadow-lg",
          base: "merge", // Will merge with existing base styles
        Merged Styles

Component Features#

The component automatically supports:

  • Global theme inheritance
  • Component-level overrides
  • Provider-level props
  • Theme clearing and applying
  • Type safety

Understanding the Blueprint#

Let's break down the key parts of the component blueprint:

1. Extend the FlowbiteTheme interface#

declare module "flowbite-react/types" {
  interface FlowbiteTheme {
    myComponent: MyComponentTheme;

This is necessary to enable TypeScript type inference for your component's theme.

2. Theme Structure#

export interface MyComponentTheme {
  base: string;
  color: MyComponentColors;

This interface defines the structure of your component's theme. It should include all the customizable style aspects of your component.

3. Default Theme#

const myComponentTheme = createTheme<MyComponentTheme>({
  base: "flex items-center font-medium",
  color: {
    info: "text-blue-600",
    success: "text-green-600",
    error: "text-red-600",

The default theme provides the base styling for your component when no custom theme is applied. Using createTheme ensures type safety and enables Tailwind CSS IntelliSense.

4. Props Interface#

export interface MyComponentProps extends ComponentProps<"div">, ThemingProps<MyComponentTheme> {
  color?: keyof MyComponentColors;

The props interface extends:

  • ComponentProps<"div"> - All standard HTML div props
  • ThemingProps<MyComponentTheme> - Theme-related props (theme, clearTheme, applyTheme)
  • Custom props specific to your component

5. Theme Resolution#

const theme = useResolveTheme(
  [myComponentTheme, provider.theme?.myComponent, props.theme],
  [get(provider.clearTheme, "myComponent"), props.clearTheme],
  [get(provider.applyTheme, "myComponent"), props.applyTheme],

The useResolveTheme hook handles the complex logic of:

  • Merging themes from different sources
  • Applying theme clearing
  • Controlling how themes are merged or replaced

6. Props Resolution#

const { children, color = "info", className, ...restProps } = resolveProps(props, provider.props?.myComponent);

The resolveProps helper merges component-specific props with provider-level props, with component props taking precedence.

Advanced Component Patterns#

Compound Components#

For more complex components with multiple parts, you can create separate theme structures for each part:

export interface CardTheme {
  root: {
    base: string;
    children: string;
  img: {
    base: string;
    horizontal: string;
  header: {
    base: string;
  footer: {
    base: string;

State-Based Styling#

For components with different states, include state variations in your theme:

export interface ButtonTheme {
  base: string;
  color: Record<string, string>;
  disabled: string;
  loading: string;

Responsive Components#

For responsive components, include different size variations:

export interface ModalTheme {
  base: string;
  show: {
    on: string;
    off: string;
  sizes: {
    sm: string;
    md: string;
    lg: string;
    xl: string;
    "2xl": string;
    "3xl": string;
    "4xl": string;
    "5xl": string;
    "6xl": string;
    "7xl": string;

Best Practices#

  1. Keep Theme Structures Flat: Avoid deeply nested theme structures when possible
  2. Use Descriptive Names: Name theme properties clearly to make customization intuitive
  3. Provide Sensible Defaults: Default themes should work well without customization
  4. Document Theme Structure: Include comments or documentation for complex theme properties
  5. Use Type Safety: Always use TypeScript interfaces for theme structures
  6. Test with Different Themes: Ensure your component works with various theme configurations

By following these patterns, you can create flexible, themeable components that integrate seamlessly with the Flowbite React theming system.